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Mark Wills ~ Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews

I'm an avid reader and reviewer of m/m fiction. I also love historical novels and crime / thrillers.

Currently reading

Out of the Past
Jeffrey Ballam
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection
Arthur Conan Doyle
October 2013
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October 2013
reviewed: A Little Too Broken
Two guys who are physically damaged in different ways and therefore fighting the prejudices society hands them. This book gav...
A Little Too Broken - Brad Vance
finished reading:
October 2013
reviewed: Learning Curve (Life Lessons, #4)
What a perfect end to a wonderful journey. I loved this series from beginning to end, gripping, emotional, full of suspense a...
Learning Curve (Life Lessons, #4) - Kaje Harper
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September 2013
reviewed: A Little Complicated
A little complicated? I found this situation to be completely convoluted, but needless to say things untangle themselves at t...
A Little Complicated - Kade Boehme
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September 2013
Counterpoint is the musical relationship of melodic lines playing independently but forming a harmonic whole. There couldn't ...
Counterpoint: Dylan's Story - Ruth Sims
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August 2013
reviewed: In Sunshine or In Shadow
Short, sweet and cute. A nice little home coming short story.
In Sunshine or In Shadow - Josh Lanyon
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August 2013
reviewed: The Lion and the Crow
Dashing knights, chivalry, sword fights, castles, damsels in distress. A great medieval story with everything you could wish ...
The Lion and the Crow - Eli Easton
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August 2013
reviewed: Social Skills
This is a wonderful story of coming out, first-time love , first-love heartbreak and basically many “firsts” all happening at...
Social Skills - Sara Alva
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August 2013
reviewed: Love on a Wing and a Prayer
I just love a military story, I guess it takes me back to my 10 years in the Royal Air Force. *reminisce*This is a really swe...
Love on a Wing and a Prayer - T.A. Webb
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August 2013
reviewed: Dirty Fighters
Haha - never read about having a wrestle to decide on who's going to top!
Dirty Fighters - Kyle Adams
Witty, snarky and hilarious. Another quickie on the way home from work
Dirty Cop - Kyle Adams
The swinging 60s in the UK? - The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Pirate Radio, Mary Quant, bell-bottoms, The Aven...
Junction X - Erastes
Short, sweet and cute ;-)
Dirty Boys - Kyle Adams
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